Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Mayhem

So... the Holiday party. That was a doozy, wasn't it?

I mean, I hadn't experienced crowd density like that since the last time I saw the Rolling Stones. Crikey.

Rest assured we're busy thinking up ways to accommodate this size of crowd - 4 times bigger than last year's, FYI - more comfortably (maybe split the event over two nights with younger kids going the first night, and bigger kids the second...singing upstairs, Santa downstairs...filming the kids as they perform at school and then sending everyone a link to the video so we can all stay home with spiked egg nog and watch the show in our jammies...etc). If you have a brilliant idea we might not have considered, please let us know. 

The kids seemed to have a great time getting their gifts from Santa. If you didn't manage to grab your own picture, I put the ones I took over the on the school's SmugMug page - you can always click the camera icon on the right side of this blog to reach it. You should be able to drag n' drop 'em, or click n' save, or link to 'em on facebook, whatever. Let me know if you run into any tech issues there.

I especially loved that Ciaran brought an illustrated list of everything he wanted from Santa, just in case he didn't get enough face time with the guy. That's brilliant, kid, and I wish I'd thought of it myself.

I think when the event started to wrap up, and we all regained a little personal space, this is how we all felt:

Thanks to everyone who came out to hear the kids sing and see them spend time with Santa; you're helping to build a sense of community at the school, and we appreciate it.

Speaking of appreciation, thanks to the volunteers who came early to set up chairs and decorate and assemble the buffet.

I hope you all have lovely holidays with your families. Santa's been too busy to do much shopping for our house, I'm afraid, so he's considering filling the kids' stockings with toys they haven't played with in a while, along with a note from the elves that reads, "Santa thought these things deserved a second look." We'll see how that flies.

Ho ho ho.


1 comment:

  1. I love how you go about "creating community"......great to see! Too many little ones are "plugged in" and aren't learning the fine art of face-to-face interaction. Keep up the wonderful work you each do at Sunflower. Gramma Sue
