Monday, August 11, 2014

Scenes From Splash Bash '14

What a fabulous evening. What a fantastic party.
What adorable children:

Head, shoulders, knees and keg

The lovely Miss Freya

Love it when everyone's in a different place in the same song 
Oh, good gravy.

Alexi practices her hitchhiking skills

Letting the little guy sit in

He's either REALLY feeling the music, or it's nap time. 

Maya, Amya, Laney

Go, ducks, go!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Our Trip To The Fair

Well, Miss Julia's done it again - another field trip for the record books. Today, the Sunflower South kids rode the number 7 bus to the Western Montana Fair! Ms. Jordan's brother and sister introduced the kids to their pig and sheep, and everyone got a chance to pet the animals. We took a tour through all the livestock barns, then watched some sheep judging (a real nail-biter) while we ate our picnic lunches. We watched a dog diving competition (which became WAY more fun when the kids figured out they could get splashed by a dog if they stood close enough to the tank.) The kids watched - and many participated in - a little Wild West Stage Show, where Mr. Will played the role of the dastardly Railroad Roland (boo, hiss). Then we had popsicles!

Thanks to moms Crystal, Megan, Kate and Madison for joining us on the trip. With so many teachers and volunteers, we had a 1:3 adult-to-kid ratio, which made the whole trip as pleasant as could be. And thanks to Miss Julia for dreaming the whole thing up and for counting up all 32 heads every thirty seconds. You're awesome.

Here are some highlights from the day: