Friday, April 5, 2013

Curriculum Notes: SUNFLOWER (Ms. Indima's Class)


Over the past month, Ms. Indima’s class has been studying the continent of Europe.  We have talked a lot about Italy and all of its famous artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.  At lunch time, we have been talking about the Italian origins of entrees such as pasta and pizza. 

In science class, we have been investigating insects. 

Our special book this month is Mouse Soup.  

In our practical life curriculum we have been working on hand washing.  


For the month of April, Ms. Indima’s class will be studying the continent of Africa.  We will take a look at the pyramids in Egypt and talk about all the great animals of the African savannah. 

Our song will be "Hermie The Wormy."

In our science curriculum we will begin to look at seeds.  

In practical life we will work on folding napkins diagonally.  

For helping your preschooler at home with language and math skills, it is important to find games and activities you both enjoy and have fun doing together.  This helps lay the foundation for a positive attitude towards learning.  

-Ms. Indima

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