Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Update From Ms. Lindsay & Ms. Reina's Classroom

Monday Dec 3.

Today we had a special visit from a special service dog name Barnsley.  Barnsley showed us how he helps people perform tasks that they may not be able to do on their own.  Barnsley showed us how he can help take off a jacket, open a door, and retrieve a water bottle!  The children enjoyed watching Barnsley, taking turns petting him, and learning about service dogs.

This is our last week of studying South America.  Thank you to Lio for sharing money from the country of Colombia called "Plata."  We will be moving on to the continent of Europe next.

Today I enjoyed presenting another lesson from Sonnie McFarland's book "Honoring the Light of the Child".  Love light necklaces are now on the peace shelf for the children to wear when their love light is shining bright.  If a love light necklace happens to come home please send it back the next day.

In Botany we are learning the parts of the leaf, and we are studying horses for Zoology.  In addition to these new jobs, we have introduced picture pin-poking, and several new holiday themed jobs.  

It is exciting to see so many children mastering their letter sounds!  We have brought out the moveable alphabet, and several children have had lessons on word building.  I think many children will be reading by the end of the year!

The children are now setting their own place settings for lunch time.  Please reinforce this great skill at home, and have them set the dinner table.  Many children are mastering using polite table manners.  Ask them to name a few table manners that they've learned.

We have a beautiful glass reptile cage ready for use in our Peace/Cultural room.  We are looking for a parent volunteer to set-up our reptile cage and check-in on it weekly.  The children have enjoyed taking care of the fish, and I think we are ready to expand!  Ms. Reina & I have agreed that a snake might be a bit too intimidating for us, but perhaps a lizard or turtle might work out well.  If you have any expertise in this area please contact me at sunflowermontessori@hotmail.com

It is a joy to watch your children grow!  For any questions/comments please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,
Ms. Lindsay Aquilio

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