Thursday, November 15, 2012


Please welcome guest blogger, Ms. Lindsay!

We have introduced the continent of South America.  We will be working on making maps of South America, learning about the different countries within the continent, and talking about the history and customs of various South American countries.  Many children have been drawn to the "Flags of South America" material this week.  If you have any artifacts, photographs, or stories to share from South America, please send them to school with your child for show-and-tell, or schedule a time to visit our class.

Our new Botany subject is the apple.  The children have enjoyed learning about the parts of an apple (seeds, core, flesh, skin, and stem), and learning new songs about apples. Our grace & courtesy lesson today was saying "Yes, please" or "No, thank you" when offered a slice of apple.

Many children are demonstrating greater independence in dressing themselves for outside play (after lunch.)  This is quite an accomplishment considering they are putting on snow pants, coats, gloves, hats, and boots.  Please continue to send your children in shoes/clothing that will help them dress independently (ex. shoes/boots they can fasten.)  It is very chilly out, so please double check to make sure your child has everything they need to keep them warm.  Outside play is an important part of the day, and we do go outside in all weather conditions.

Ms. Reina & I love to hear stories about what information is being absorbed at school and shared at home.  If you have any fun stories to share please e-mail so they can be posted to the blog.  I also can be reached at for any questions/comments.

Thank you,

Ms. Lindsay

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