Monday, November 5, 2012

School Photos!

Parents -

The school photos have been delivered to Sunflower, and each parent who signed up and paid for a photo should be receiving a high-res .jpeg from Katie via e-mail shortly, along with the following letter from the photographer:

Hi, parents! 
Thank you for letting me do the school pictures for your beautiful children. 
Through Katie, you have been provided the .jpg to print as you choose. If you decide to order prints through me, you can be assured of professional-quality prints that will match the color and sharpness of the original photograph. To order, please email me, message me on Facebook, or just give me a call. Price list attached.
I would love to use some of these school photos in my portfolio. If you’re willing to let me post your kiddo’s school photo on my website, please contact me for more information.
Thanks again,Brooke B.
I'll attach the price list she mentions here:

Let us know if you have any questions, and thanks to all who participated! 50% of each photo's fee went to Sunflower, making this a very successful fundraiser for the school.

-Sunflower Parents Assn.

FYI / PRIVACY NOTICE: We will ALWAYS secure permission from children's parents before posting their photos on our blog or facebook account. 

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