Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Hey, all!

Exciting things are coming up at Sunflower!

Every year, Sunflower throws a St. Patrick's Day party for the students and their families. Last year, we decided to make the party bigger and better (and spread out the crowd) by hosting activities in all of the 6th St Sunflower buildings. It turned the party into a fun scavenger hunt-type affair for the kids as they earned prizes in each building. It was also a great way for parents to visit all of the classroom spaces. 

This year's party promises to be the biggest ever, because Sunflower has just purchased a new building that will soon become additional classroom space: the former Wesleyan Methodist Church on the other side of 6th and Hickory. 

It was decided that Sunday night might be easiest on everyone - we don't have to compete with the real St Patrick's Day, and our volunteers will have more time to get the event set up. 

Spread over the FOUR Sunflower buildings, we'll have musical performances by Mr. Michael, a dance floor for the kiddos, a craft room, a bingo tournament called by Grandma Midge, a photo booth, game stations where the kids can win prizes, and an all-you-can-eat Irish potato bar with dozens of toppings. Adults are $7, kids over the age of 1 are $3. 

We'll be holding a Parents' Association meeting this Monday March 10th at 5:30PM to discuss party details and hopefully some volunteers will step forward to help with set-up, (wo)manning game booths, etc. If you'd like to volunteer at the event but can't attend the meeting, let us know. 

Schedule and event map to follow, but in the meantime there are sign up sheets at all school entrances. 

Questions? Leave 'em in the comments or e-mail us!


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