Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Hey, all:

Thanks to those who attended the Parents' Association meeting last Monday to help put the finishing touches on this Sunday's St. Patrick's Day party. There are still a few places where we could really use an extra set of hands. Please consider helping out for half an hour or so during any of the following time slots - a little effort can go a long way toward making this event a big success. Here's where we need help most on Sunday:

1) 4:00pm - 5:00pm: Need helpers to finish any decorating or set-up projects.
2) 7:00pm - 7:30pm: Need help with clean-up and returning classroom spaces to normal.
3) 6:45-7:00pm - Need a Bingo caller. If you have an elementary student, this is something you could do together!
4) 5:00-6:45pm: Need helpers to run the carnival-style games. Hand out bean bags to toss, and give our prizes.
5) 5:00 - 6:45pm: Need a buffet helper. We have a volunteer who'll be setting up and running the buffet, but it would be nice to have an extra person to refill condiment bowls, etc.
6) At your convenience: Donate a dessert for the dessert table.
7) At your convenience: Donate a beverage for the drinks table. 

Can you help? If so, CLICK HERE AND E-MAIL US!

Other than that, I think we're all set for a great party. Mr. Michael will be singing! Coach Shane will be doing a movement activity! There will be games and food and dancing and music and bingo and prizes. Wear green! BYOB! Have fun! 


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