Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Day In The Life: SEEDS

I  had a parent request a blog post that would detail an average day in her kid's classroom. Nothing thrills me more than when another parent has an idea for a specific blog post. It's the difference between asking your family what they want for dinner and hearing, "Oh, anything. Whatever," or, "Please, Mom, could you make me a taco?" Because yes, I can make the hell out of some tacos. Point being: if there's a blog post you'd like to see in this space, please let me know and I'll endeavor to make it happen. Because of that original request, we're rolling out a new series called A DAY IN THE LIFE with a new entry for each "grade" at Sunflower. We're starting with Seeds, because the Pollen schedule is different for each individual infant and doesn't lend itself to the "Day in the Life" format. -Brooke

As contributed by Ms. Correy:


A Seed's day starts out by saying goodbye to Mom or Dad and then learning how to take off their shoes and coat and put them away on the shoe shelf and their special hook.  

They then very carefully help themselves to a bowl of cereal, scooping out of the cereal jar and pouring their own milk from the milk pitcher.  

After they have finished eating, they put their bowl in the dirty bin and join their friends in the large motor skills room. 

As it nears 9:00 and everyone is finished with breakfast, the Seeds sort out into smaller groups to explore the other classrooms: practical life, sensorial, or fine motor skills.  

The work period wraps up around 10:15 and everyone joins together on the stage for circle time where they sing songs, read books, and learn new signs.  

From circle, they are excused one at a time to wash their hands and have a snack. 

As each Seed is done with snack, they are asked to go find their coats and shoes and get ready for some outside time.  

Outside, they play on the jungle gyms, drive around in their car, or enjoy a good game of chase or Ring Around the Rosie.  If it is too cold, the outside time will be shortened and another work period will happen in the classrooms.  

After we all gather back inside and practice putting our belongings away again, we meet up for lunch. 

At lunch time we practice using our utensils, good manners, and drinking from a glass. It's always more fun to explore eating new foods with your group of friends.  After they have put their bowls in the dirty bin, they head back to the stage where each child has their own cot set up and they take their rest.  

Each child is allowed to sleep as long as they would like and as they wake up they come out to the eating area to do an art project until snack time at 3p.  

Depending on the weather, after snack is spent outside or enjoying another work period in our classrooms.  

The children who are there still at 5:00 have a small snack to tide them over 'til suppertime at home.

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