Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Meet A Family - The O'Connors

Some of the features of the old printed newsletter are moving here to the blog - for example, Meet A Family. Meet A Family is compiled by Nicole Stephens, mom to Alexi (Sunflower) and Beatrix (Sprout). Thanks, Nicole! If you'd like to introduce your family to the Sunflower community, let us know. 

This month we have the pleasure of meeting Cian O’Connor’s family. Cian just turned 4 and is in Ms. Lindsay & Ms. Reina’s class in the Sunflower program. Thank you to Cian (4), his brother Evan (8), & his mom & dad, Kim & Rory, for taking the time to answer some questions & give us a little window into their great family.

A bit about the parents...
Where were Cian’s parents born & raised? Rory was born & raised in Wolf Point, Montana, & Kim was born in Connecticut & raised in upstate New York. 

How did you find your way to Missoula? 
We both came here as college freshman–Kim in 1993, Rory in 1996.

What are your educational backgrounds? 
Kim’s degree is in elementary education & Rory’s is in photo journalism.

Rory is a milkman (& works for the Great Burn Study Group on some summer & fall weekends). Kim is a 3rd grade teacher.

About the fam...

Do you have pets? 
We have a black lab named Cinco.

What are your family’s favorite things to do? 
We love to be outside together–skiing, hiking, backpacking, sledding, snowman-making. And we’ve
all recently started watching movies together–pretty fun!

What 3 words describe the personalities of each of your family members?
Cian: smiley, adventurous, sweet 
Evan: strong, determined, funny
Rory: happy, funny, up-for-anything 
Kim:silly, happy-to-be-a-mom, fun

Does your family have a favorite family vacation? 
We really like going to NY to visit family, although it’s been awhile since we’ve been able to go–our family keeps moving to Missoula. ☺ We went to Seattle last year over spring break and it must have made a huge impression on Cian as he asks to go to Seattle at least three times a week! We also do a yearly friend reunion trip in the summer. The location changes every year, but the fun families are the same.

Does your family have any holiday traditions? 
Cutting down our Christmas tree. We make it a whole day event with hot chocolate and sledding.

How long has Cian attended Sunflower? 
He started at Sunflower when he was 6 months old.

What is your favorite part about the Sunflower program? 
We love Katie & Correy, the food, the learning, tools, the philosophy...we started Evan with them when he was just turning 2, so we’ve been with Sunflower a long time. We can’t imagine what we’ll do when we don’t have a kiddo at Sunflower. ☺

Does your family have a favorite book and/or movie? 
Cian loves Gossie and Gertie, Curious George books and shows, Peep and the Big Wide World...these
are the ones that Evan & Cian really like together.

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