Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Good Food Store Scrip Program - So THAT'S How That Works!


When you filled out your child's paperwork for the new school year, you may have noticed a page in the packet that mentioned a scrip program for The Good Food Store. If you're like me, you signed, it, forgot about it, and now if someone offered you a hundred bucks and a case of beer to explain what it is, you couldn't do it. If you're NOT like me, and you know exactly what's going on, good for you! Now bring your organized self over to my house, 'cause these presents aren't going to wrap themselves.

But for those who ARE like me, we're in luck! Melodie has taken the time to explain it all for us:

Wouldn't it be nice if you could set a grocery budget and stick to it, but have a teensy bit of wiggle room in case that extra huge head of broccoli puts you over by $2.19 when you get to the cashier?  
Wouldn't it be nice if you had a reason to shop at the Good Food Store more regularly? 
Wouldn't it be nice if you knew that some of the money you spent on groceries was being passed on to a wonderful educational program here in town... and your kid was in that educational program? 
Voila!  It is wonderful!  Set up a Good Food Store Scrip account.  It's easy.
1.  Go to the customer service desk at the GFS.  Smile a lot, because the people there are smiley.  Say these words:"I would like to set up a scrip account to support Sunflower Montessori School. 
"The extra credit version:"I would like to set up a scrip account to support Sunflower Montessori School.  Their account number is 223." 
The scattered person version:"I would like to set up a scrip account to support SMS.  However, I may have already done it.  Here is the account number: 223- and the last four digits of my phone number: ####.  Can you check to see if I have an account?" 
2.  Once your account is set up, hand over a check, cash, or card and say:"Great!  Are you available to put $X.00 on my account right now?"They will probably say yes.  If they don't, they'll ask you to have the cashier do it as you purchase your groceries.  Either way, mention your scrip account before they total you out.  If you max out your account while purchasing your groceries, you can put the rest of the charge on some other form of payment.  You can also add money to your account before they begin to ring up your groceries. 
3.  Remember to add money periodically.  Perhaps the first trip to the GFS of each month, mention it to the cashier that you'd like to check your balance, and if it is lower than you'd like, add more.  
Easy peasy!

Thanks for clearing it up, Melodie. Bonus points for making a "peas" joke at the end of a post about groceries.

FYI, here's what's on sale this week. 


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