Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sunflower Family Directory

We attempted to e-mail every parent about our plan to put together a new directory of Sunflower families, but in case you didn't receive it, we'll re-post that e-mail here:

Hello, Sunflower Parents!

The newly-formed Sunflower Parents' Association is excited about the new school year, and looking forward to some fun projects. At our first meeting, we discussed the need for a Student & Family Directory, which could help parents compile birthday invitation lists, schedule play dates, etc. We would love to include every family, and want to assure you that the information you choose to provide will ONLY be used for this directory, which will then be made available ONLY to fellow Sunflower families.

If you'd like your family to be included, please respond to this e-mail with the following information (or as much of it as you feel comfortable sharing), and attach a family photo.

OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS: (Mom, Dad, Siblings)

If you'd prefer not to participate, feel free to let us know that as well. We'll be sure not to e-mail you further about this project. 

Our goal as an association is to support the school and keep all families informed and involved; please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. 


-Sunflower Parents' Association-

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